Your Brand is your Promise

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They say that a brand is a promise. If so, then how does a real estate firm go about creating a brand for itself? How do you escape the mundane verbiage and rhetoric of “I am the best” that is spewed out across print and other forms of media? How do you create a core set of differentiators that place you apart from the competition?

Most advertising and brand agencies would speak about logo, colour schemas, brand guidelines and visual identity which is all well and good, but what use would these be if the customer just replaces you (in their mind) with some other company that has a more colourful logo or screaming creatives? All the brand guidelines in the world will not resurrect that declining revenue graph.

How do you go about this?

First, find out what you truly stand for within your circle of operation. Are you a fickler for quality, do you try and maximise the living spaces to deliver better bang for buck? Or do you develop competitively priced options – small maybe, but close to popular workspaces? You need to look back down the years, pick out the one thing that stands out – one thing mind you, and write it down. You may not get it the first time. Speak to your employees and understand their perspective on this.

Second, after you feel that you have honed in on your core USP call up a few of your customers (or get someone to do it) and then ask them why they bought, what has been their experience and if they were to refer you to a friend or relative, how would they describe you? Get apt feedback and then see if these tally with what you have noted down. If you are lucky, they will resonate, if not you may discover something new about your company that may astonish you – positive or negative. If positive, go back and see if this could be your core. If it is negative, then find out where the gap is in your communication to customer experience. You may find out that you are saying one thing and doing another.

Third, take this feedback and observe – have you delivered on what you feel you promised the customer? Do they reflect this back? Do they articulate it differently? Maybe there is something about your company that you never knew.  Once you find out what the largest number of people recall about you, take this thought and expand it. Broaden it, articulate it, try and visually depict it, but more than anything say it honestly and with true intent. This is your core USP.

Now use it in your communication, explain it to your staff so that it proliferates into their vocabulary and even body language when they meet customers. And as your company grows and matures, you will find that people remember you for one thing and one thing only.

Go out today and find your “Promise”.

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